Podcasts by weird friends who want to make the world funnier one joke at a time

Conditional Materials - Our flagship podcast where Anna, Astrid and John are here to give out their lefty takes on whatever is happening on Twitter this past week. Listen to our trailer that really spells out the whole deal.

So its a weekly podcast about politics?
But you also have deep lore?
Don’t you think that’s a little confusing?
— all our friends
I was in the car, supposed to go into my parent’s house and I couldn’t because you were all passionately yelling about how miserable elected officials need to be, my kind of show.
— A real friend (unlike that joke of a first quote)
Yall talk about stupid stuff all the time why don’t you record it? Not because I think its stupid that you do, I’m just not always around to hear it and I’m trying this thing where I foster parasocial relationships with people I actually know.
— a friend

Animorphs Monthly - Four friends find time, once a month(?) when we can, to read a children’s book and talk about how wild it is.

Oh, yeah I’d like to actually listen to this one
— Some friends
Yeah I think I have time for this, only once a month and like no politics right? Sounds good let me know when the next one is out.
— Some other friends
The title of the podcast is Animorphs monthly what’s the deal with the upload schedule
— Everyone who's gotten to the end of the uloaded episodes